1) Whether you took a road trip or decided to fly, you know that seeing that archway is one of the most beautiful sights in the world
*Externally sobs loudly on the Magical Express*
2) Second to THE most beautiful sight
I'm SOBBING right down the middle of Main Street USAAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAA
3) You only ever stay on property at the resorts
This is more of a personal preference because obviously not everyone is able to do this, but being able to see the castle from your room? PRICELESS (not really, unfortunately).
4) You can recite all the announcements in English AND Spanish
Hence, why the monorail is on your list of favorite rides.
5) You don’t need a map because YOU are the map
You take pride in just knowing that they're is a Tangled themed bathroom right next to It's a Small World and Peter Pan.
6) You get a Mickey Bar. No questions asked
7) The line for Peter Pan is always long
I truly don't get it.
8) You have Wait Times at the ready on the My Disney Experience App
Not that you need to check it to know that the line for Peter Pan is over 50 min long (I still don't get it).
9) The Mountains are a MUST
Space Mountain is a personal fave
10) You tend to ride It’s A Small World out of obligation
It's just one of those things
11) If you want a good view for a show or parade, you know to find a spot at least 45 min before the actual starting tim
Trust me. You do not want to be one of those people who try to squeeze into a spot behind the rope they set up for seating. Those people are the worst.
12) If you are not a small child, for the love of God, DO NOT BLOCK A CHILD’S VIEW OF THE MAGIC
As someone who has been forced to squeeze behind that rope for a parade I had seen so many times I could probably put on the costume and do the choreography, the very least I did was make the 4 year old child next to me could see what was going on. When the mother asked if her child was blocking me, I said, "By all means let her block me. I'm an adult. I've seen this parade more times than is healthy, so please do not worry about blocking me." You only get to experience magic for the first time once
13) You plan exactly what you want to see and ride and what you want to FastPass depending on your group
Each trip should be different depending on who you bring with you. If you're bringing kids, you may not get to ride Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and may have to sit through Disney Junior show. If you're all adults, consider doing the Tour de Brew in Epcot--bring money for that, though. If you're at that weird age where you can't drink yet, just try the Beverly...
14) You MUST pace yourself
I get that it's exciting to be in Disney World, but you CANNOT run around the park all day in the Florida heat and not get worn out. If you try and bounce from place to place you are not going to enjoy your time there. You'll just be Grumpy (LOL)
15) You make time for a nap
Which leads me to the best advice I could give. Napping (personally) is essential when I'm in Disney. I need to recharge to enjoy my trip otherwise, like I said above, I'll turn into Grumpy
16) Or you relax at the pool
If you don't have too much going on or are not that tired this is always a good option. It's a good time to get lunch and cool off after a long day in the parks
This is the most important thing I have learned from going on a Disney vacation after my sister did the Disney College Program, have friends who have done it, and plan on doing it, myself. They are WORKING hard to make magic for you while you are on VACATION. They love their job, but they deal with enough entitled people throughout the day. Don't be one of them. Just be nice and let them know they are doing a good job even if there's an inconvenience going on. They are aware there is a certain standard you expect while you're there so just be patient and be kind. They are doing the best they can for you.