Going to school out-of-state has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. With that being said, there is always the debate of proper word usage when it comes to common everyday sayings and phrases. In this situation, everyone believes that they are saying the right thing, although both parties are correct. Whether you say y'all, you guys, everyone, or you all - someone will always be there to either laugh at you, correct you, or sometimes, even get pissed off at the way you talk.
1. What do you call these?

Northerners: Sneakers
Southerners: Tennis/Running Shoes
2. You're out to dinner and you order this drink. What do you call it?

Northerners: Soda
Southerners: Pop/Coke(any soft drink brand)
3. You're at Target. You want to put all your stuff into a ____________.

Northerners: Cart
Southerners: Buggy
4. Congratulations! 98 percent on your English Final. Did you make the grade or get the grade?

Northerners: Got a 98
Southerners: Made a 98
5. You're pissed at someone who was super rude to you while you were out shopping. What do you say to her?
Northerners: Stop being a huge b*tch.
Southerners: Oh, bless your heart.
6. Unfortunately, you're driving and you see this on the opposite side of the road. What do you call this?

Northerners: A car accident
Southerners: A wreck
7. You call a long sandwich with toppings and condiments a:

Northerners: A hero
Southerners: A sub
8. During the summer time you call the bugs that light up, what?
Northerners: Lightning Bugs
Southerners: Fireflies

9. When you’re prohibited to use your phone you’re told to either put it away, or put it up.

Northerners: Put it away
Southerners: Put it up
10. Huge trucks on the highway. What do you call them?

Northerners: Tractor-trailers
Southerners: 18-wheelers
11. Lastly, the most obvious word difference. When addressing a group of people, what do you say? 
Northerners: You guys
Southerners: Y'all
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