If you're anything like me you look in the mirror, and first thing you see is imperfections. The bags under my eyes, the blemishes on my skin and the weight I've gained. In the world we live in, we are told if we don't look a certain way we aren't worth it. Not only that, but we just take it. We allow the world to tell us that we are worthless and that we don't matter. However, there is someone else that tells us that we are priceless, that we are worth dying for.
We look through magazines, watch fashion shows, or even just turn the T.V. on and we are shown and told what we should look like. We are constantly told that we never look good enough. No matter how hard we try to someone we will never be good enough. It doesn't matter, however, what the world thinks. You are beautiful and amazing just the way you are.
Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." God makes no mistakes, and when he made you he made you beautiful in your own special way. I challenge you to look at yourself in the mirror at least once a day and tell yourself "I am fearfully and wonderfully made, God created me in His image, and I am beautiful."
Not only are we told daily that we aren't worth much, but we just take it. We we are little we have this confidence amazing amount of confidence, and think we are great just the way we are. As time goes on, and we get older we start to believe that we aren't worth anything, and we just take it. We are allowing and accepting the world telling us that we are worthless. I say it's high time we take a stand, and do something about it. Don't believe what the world tries to tell you, we have to stick together, and lift each other up.
Job 22:29 "When people are brought low and you say, 'lift them up' then he will save the downcast."
No matter what the world tells us though, there is only one opinion we should care about. He tells you, and shows you on a daily basis (if you decide to listen) that you are beautiful and priceless. He thinks in fact that we are worth dying for. Jesus came to earth to save us from ourselves. He came to show us how much he loves us, and remind us that we are worth so much more than what we take. He spends His days loving us, and trying to show us that it doesn't matter what the world says we are worth. In God's eyes we are priceless.
"No matter what you've heard, this is what you're worth, more than all the money or the diamonds and pearls. This is who you are." -For King and Country, Priceless