I logged into Odyssey the other day, and noticed that under the "Popular on Odyssey" tab, 4/6 articles were about not being feminist - and why that's okay! If you know me at all (or share a similar mindset with me), you can understand why this made me mad.
I am so sick of seeing women my age declaring that they're not feminists and expecting to be heralded for their bravery. If you pride yourself on "not being like most girls" because you devalue traditionally feminine activities, you're not really helping women - or yourself - as a whole. Feminism helps to give you the choice to either follow gender norms or not. It's about letting the modern woman have a say in her life, as opposed to being silenced.
I'll admit that modern feminism gets kind of a bad reputation today. We're seen as triggered SJW's who get offended by anything and everything. While many people do fit that mold, they don't represent this movement as a whole. However, the extreme reactions are the ones that tend to blow up online as a justification for hating "feminazis". You have to remember that at its core, feminism is about the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. There's no prerequisite to hate all men before declaring yourself a feminist. The majority of feminists aren't trying to establish females as the "dominant gender". We just want to feel equal to our male peers.
If you proclaim that you're not a feminist because you "don't feel oppressed", good for you! That doesn't mean it's not happening, though. We still have such a long way to go. Marginalized groups such as trans women, disabled women, women from other countries that may not have the same freedoms as us - these are the people that more privileged women need to help. It's our duty to stand up and support our fellow women and make sure that they have the same rights as their male counterparts.
I'm not saying you have to burn your bras and protest every time someone calls you "dude". You don't have to subscribe to every radical idea that feminism has introduced. All that you have to do is support equal rights for men and women. I've heard enough excuses to not be feminists. You can be a stay-at-home mom, or be a CEO, and be a feminist either way. The movement is about giving women the right to choose what they want to do with their lives. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not trying to force you into thinking a certain way. What I want is for you to educate yourself and see the world from a different point of view.