Sometimes you’re so caught up in life you don’t realize you’re not letting yourself take a break. I’m definately guilty of that, I’m always on the go and I don’t really want to stop for anything. But honestly, you could be making yourself miserable without even knowing it.
1. You Don’t Set Goals
I find if I’m not setting the bar high for myself I get lazy and I’m not motivated to any extent. I don’t feel like I have anything to work towards unless I set a few goals along the way. I find setting goals for yourself helps you feel like you’re making progress even when they’re tiny goals. As long as you’re working toward those ambitions its steps in the right direction.
2. You Hold Grudges
I think when someone holds a grudge, deep down they want to let go but they feel they physically cannot forgive what that person did to them. Holding onto the painful experiences from the past isn’t helping anyone, especially not you. It takes a lot of effort to let go of the anger and the pain that they caused you but letting go is for your wellbeing. Don’t wait to feel like forgiving them because forgiving someone is a choice not a feeling. Holding onto something from years ago isn’t doing you any favors.
3. You’re Jealous
Jealousy hurts you and doesn’t change any situation. Whether you’re jealous of the applicant that got the job over you or your best friend and her boyfriend it’s a waste of time. When you let go and recognize you can’t change those situations it’s a weight being lifted off of your shoulders.
4. You’re Friends with Toxic People
You are the people you surround yourself with. If someone is bringing you down you have every right to cut him or her out of your life. You need to surround yourself with people who encourage you and inspire you to be a better person. It doesn’t matter if you’ve known them for years or hours you need to take care of yourself first.
5. You Aren’t Taking Time for Yourself
I am completely guilty of this. I’m a people pleaser and that usually results in putting myself on the back burner. You deserve time for yourself each day to relax and do something you enjoy. Just taking a breather from the day lets you’re body and mind take
6. You’re Not Active
I find when I don’t workout I’m not as happy and I don’t have as much energy. Working out isn’t only good for your body but for your mind. I find going on a run or to the gym for an hour helps me relax and think. Take time to workout then accomplishing it helps you feel overall better and proud of yourself.
7. You Don’t Stand Up
You let people walk all over you and don’t stand up for yourself. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself and don’t be afraid to say no every once and a while. You deserve respect so don’t be afraid to stand up and demand it. You can sit back and let people walk all over you and treat you bad, that’s why you’ve been so upset.
8. You’re Trying To Be Perfect
Nothing is perfect and that’s coming from someone who thinks of themselves as a perfectionist. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be a perfect student or a perfect boyfriend or girlfriend. Everyone makes mistakes the best thing you can do for yourself and others is to own up to those mistakes and try better next time. Nothing is going to be flawless and stressing about making it picture perfect is going to hurt you physically and mentally.