“What are you waiting for?” A phrase I’m sure you’ve heard before. As an avid overthinker, I have both heard and told myself this phrase along with many others. “What’s the worst they could say?” “You don’t know what the outcome will be.” I have found myself in way too many situations in which I shy away out of fear of the unknown.
Have you ever been faced with an opportunity, something grand, your mind raced with the idea of leaping into the venture? But in the end, your comfort zone pulls you into its warm embrace. Ahh, the comfort zone, it looks different for me or for you, but at the end of the day, it does the same thing for everyone. It comforts. Maybe a little too much. Stopping you from taking that leap, the scary depths of a new world are deemed too intimidating, and now you’ll never know what could have been.
But no more. Too many missed opportunities, a world of regrets you can’t take back. What is a life of comfortability when there is an entire world full of discoveries right in front of you? Yes, starting something new can be terrifying, but that is a part of the process. I want you, the reader to be inspired.
If you are looking for a sign here it is!
Go for whatever it is you may be dreaming about. I’m sure you have heard it before but I’m going ask you anyways, “What are you waiting for?!” Ask that girl out! Go to that audition. Apply for that job opening! Take a chance no matter how intimidating it may seem because you truly never know what will be the outcome unless you give it a shot.
As I write this, I am thinking of the many times I have heard sayings such as, “You only have one life.” Or, “What will it matter in a year.” Or the most recent one that hit me like a train, “you can’t make an excuse.”
I knew that in that moment that was what I was looking for, an excuse.
An excuse to get out of something I was terrified to try, but those words rang in my ear and made me realize I would be done with excuses. It was time to take the leap no matter how petrified. If I hadn’t done so, I wouldn’t be sitting here inspired to share this piece.
As we head into the new year many are reflecting on the past and coming up with New Year’s Resolutions, something to renew or change for themselves. Well, if you happen to be still reading, do consider what you’ve read above. Maybe you’ve already settled on a resolution, but do think about a missed opportunity due to fear of the unknown. If anything, take from this that life is full of opportunities and memories and sometimes only one at that.
No more excuses, overcome that fear and try not to retreat to comfort. Try something new or start reaching for your goals and dreams. Sometimes YOU are the only thing holding you back. Whether it’s starting that book you said you start months ago, or taking steps to start your own business, just starting will open the door to endless discoveries that could change your life.