So, this is right about that time of year that everyone starts talking about how they hate New Years Resolutions and refuse to make them. They claim that they work on "improving themselves" all year round. Although that may be true, I see no reason why people feel the need to be so fervently against making resolutions. I see them as limiting their self growth.
Across the internet, I have been seeing posts with a title similar to "If your looking for a sign, here it is." I always enjoy these blogs or videos because they usually discuss this idea of taking action in your life right now. It's so easy to push off that one thing you really want to do because the timing isn't right - but these posts often challenge the reader to reconsider what they are capable of. I would like to bring that idea to New Year's resolutions. This is the 'sign' telling you to act now, make that change and don't hold back. As Nike brand says - Just do it!
One part that I don't necessarily like about New Year's resolutions is when people wait until the New Year to take action. You shouldn't need a sign, but a sign definitely helps for people that need motivation. As cliche as it sounds, New Years is the perfect time for a fresh start.
I encourage everyone to make New Years resolutions that are meaningful and achievable. Make SMART goals and go back to review them periodically. Challenge yourself in 2018 to be the person you want to be. So, if you 're looking for a sign, here it is.