If you're looking for a sign, then here it is.
If you're looking for a sign to go to work, to say yes to that date, or to eat that extra cookie, then here it is. If you're looking for a sign to keep fighting, to keep breathing, to keep waking up every morning, here it is. If you're just looking for a sign, or something that seems like too much of a coincidence to ignore, you guessed it, here it is.
Most people I know, including myself, believe that everything happens for a reason. We believe in small happenings that lead to bigger, possibly life changing happenings. We believe that we were meant to hit every red light when we were in a rush because it means we missed that accident five minutes down the road or having a class freshman year of college who later became your best friend.
Sometimes we look at bad things happening to us as having bad luck or thinking the world is out to get you nine times out of ten. Everyone goes through tough times, just like everyone goes through great times. Sometimes it seems like certain people have a horseshoe shoved up their ass while others seem to always have the short end of the stick. In most cases, we make our own luck. If it goes well, well it's luck. But if it goes badly, we blame the universe because let's be real, no one likes to take the blame. But it's how the cookie crumbles, or the cards fall, or how karma plays itself out. Some of us take life by the horns and make their own 'fate,' while the rest of us let the dust settle and point our fingers.
I believe that I have made decisions that I thought would benefit me but turned out to be big mistakes all so that I would later learn from them.
Whether it was breaking the rules or not studying for a test thinking:
One, I wasn't going to get caught.
Two, thinking I could still get an A+ with a grade of 65 on my test.
And finally, three, thinking I could do all of those things in one night.
Other times I have made great decisions thinking 'good karma is coming your way Crystal' and got slapped across the face because my 'act of kindness' was driven by greed.
We learn from our decisions, our mistakes, our successes and that is how we create our own 'luck.' Luck is created by stringing together our decisions, mistakes, and successes to create one single moment in time that worked out well for us.
That might be as simple as deciding to make your own cup of coffee in the morning instead of paying $5 for that cup at the local café, so later that day when that cute co-worker of yours asks if anyone has $5 for a cup of coffee, you get to be his coffee date.
I know what you're thinking, seriously? A cup of coffee, really? But what if that cute guy would then later become your husband? (If it can happen in the movies, it can happen in real life!) As small or as big as it may be, every decision we make from waking up in the morning until we go to sleep is strung together to create bigger, more life-altering moments.
No matter how big or small, everything happens for a reason, even if we don't know what the reason is.
I think that luck is very similar to signs. When you're having a bad day because you woke up late and are ready to call in sick but hear your favorite song play when you're about to hit snooze, it's that sign you needed to get your butt up, and you listen.
When you get into your car 15 minutes later than normal and hear about an accident on your normal route to work, was it luck or was it a sign? We can look at it anyway we want. We can believe that god gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers and it helps get us through the tough times. We can think that after numerous heartbreaking events that something good is about to come out way. We can think that good things come in threes or the third times a charm. We spend most of our time trying to make sense of every situation that happens to us when sometimes there is no reason to it, that is just how its suppose to go. We can only make certain situations go exactly how we want them but more often than not it is simply out of our control and to some, that can be just as settling.
Was it luck that this article came onto your timeline or was it that sign you needed to eat that cookie?
Or to keep that $5 for your future husbands coffee? Or simply to wake up tomorrow? Whatever you need a sign for, any sign at all, here it is. The world has given you the sign you have asked for, so take it how you want to take it but this is too big of a coincident to ignore.