FUN FACT: You are probably lactose intolerant.
Considering that approximately 65% of the world's human population suffers from a lactase deficiency after infancy, the odds are not in your favor. As we grow older, we lose a lot of the lactase enzymes that were necessary for nourishing our bodies as a child.
If you're still in denial, that's okay. Just remember the next time you eat a Dairy Queen Blizzard and reap some less-than-pleasant's the lactose intolerance devil inside of you.
As good old Teddy Rosevelt once said, “nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life." AMEN, Teddy.
Sometimes, the pain is worth the ice cream and queso. Here are 7 signs you're lactose intolerant, but honestly don't care enough to give up dairy.
1. "Are you sure you can you eat that, [insert name here?]
The answer is no, but I'm going to eat it anyway.
2. Ordering food you DEFINITELY should not be ordering.
Because sometimes, it's WORTH THE CHEESE FRIES.
3. Being endlessly taunted by your friends for being unable to consume dairy products.
Natural selection is coming for us.
4. Going to ice cream with your friends, because YOLO.
Don't think about the consequences don't think about the consequences don't think about the consequences don't think about the consequences don't think about the consequences don't think about the consequences don't think about the consequences.
When your stomach starts doing.........the thing - you know it's all over for you.
6. Swearing to never let the evil spirits that are dairy products come near you ever again.
This happens every time, but this time is different!!!
7. But hey, you'll never cry over spilt milk.
How punny.