They say that there are two types of personalities— introverted and extroverted. You're either reserved and crave alone time, or you're outgoing and can chat up a brick wall. But, what if you're both? What if you're an introverted-extrovert?
For those who do what know I'm talking about, this one is for you. For those who don't understand, keep reading and maybe you will.
There's an introverted and extroverted side, but the side that you will first get to know is the introverted side. This is the front that will be put up and it may seem like we're shy, quiet, timid and don't have much to offer. It may seem like we don't have much of a personality because we don't contribute to side conversations or go out of our way to meet new people. It may seem like we don't want to be there or would rather be spending our time somewhere else. This is not true.
You see, we really do want to be there. We do have a personality. We do want to meet new people. But, it's hard to come out of a shell until you're comfortable. This may be called being "shy", but being shy is hiding behind you're mom while she talks to her friends —not when it's who you are.
Coming out of the introverted side into the extroverted side is a slow process, but it does happen. When it happens, we become the bubbliest, most lively, eccentric people in the room. We're willing to strike up a conversation with anyone and make the most out of every party. We will have a definite personality and make you wonder why we thought we didn't have one in the first place. Although, we come across introverted, the extroverted side is who we really are.
Being an introverted-extrovert is challenging when it comes to getting to know new people, but stick around and get to know us and it will be worth your while.