It seems like I have been surrounded by thoughts of graduation lately. My little brother and all of his friends, who I have known since Elementary School, will be graduating in a few weeks, and the school at which I am volunteering will be graduating next week. It feels like all I have heard is how much these guys can't wait to be done. I remember being the same way when I was in their shoes. But now, two years later, I look back and think of how much everything is different. I wish that I had enjoyed my transition summer more instead of working the overnight shift at McDonalds for poor pay and half-off meals. This for all of you who are so ready to get out there that you forget about the little things.
1. Sleep
You will have four more years of all-nighters and finishing things in the we hours of the mornings - so sleep. Go to bed early. Wake up late. just do it.
2. It's Okay to Stay Out Late
I realize that this contradicts the lat thing that I said, but sometimes there are good reasons to stay out late. Make memories; hang out with people you won't see for a while.
3. Don't Forget to Spend Time With Your Family
I know that sometimes hanging out with your family isn't the coolest thing in the world, but these people raised you, and they love you. Whether you accept it or not, they are going to miss you. Believe it or not, you're going to miss them too. So if they want to hangout and watch movies, just do it, because who knows when you will be able to do that again.
4. The Freshman 15 is a REAL thing
Guys. It is real. I know that we like to believe that we are healthy eaters. However, in the college rush, sometimes it is difficult to make smart, healthy food choices.So. My proposition to you is to start getting yourself into a routine now. Whether it's walking after dinner or jogging in the morning, find something that will keep you moving. That way, when you get busy, you will have the routine already engraved in you.
5. We Know You Are Saving For College, But it is Okay To Splurge Sometimes
Just because you are saving for college and for books and things, doesn't mean you should stop spending money all together. If your friends ask you out for ice cream, go get the freaking ice cream! You can get the money back later; you can't get that time with your friends back.
6. Stop to Take in Even The Little Things
When I went off to college, the things I missed the most were the little things that I had overlooked every day. I missed the smell of homemade bread, the sounds of my chickens, and the dog curled up on the bottom of my bed while I studied. They were things that I used to take for granted, and didn't know how much I loved them until I didn't have them. So don't forget to enjoy every aspect of life. Soon everything is going to change.
7. Take Lots of Pictures
I am a huge picture lover, so I do this every time I am about to leave to go somewhere. It is so nice when you are missing things from home to have pictures to remind you.
8. Don't Wait Until The Last Second To Pack
I am lucky in the fact that I am only 5 hours from home, but not all college students have that. The worst thing is unpacking all of your stuff and realizing that you left something at home.Take your time packing, and make sure you have it all.
Guys. I kid you not when i say that everything is going to change, now that you're done with high school. In some ways it seems like just yesterday I was graduating, but at the same time, it seems like a lifetime ago. So much is different than when I graduated, and I wish I had done more things before my friends went off to create new lives. Don't do what I did. Don't wish your summer away. Cherish it, and get as many opportunities out of it as you can.