Oh the joys of motherhood, but not the motherhood you might think of. I am talking about being a dog mom; someone who loves their dog unconditionally and would do anything to give them a great life. There are a few things that every dog mom just knows and accepts:
1. Your phone storage is taken over from dog pictures.
You can't ever delete a picture of them, it would be as painful as cutting your heart open. Don't forget that you always have to show their pictures off, because no conversation is complete without talking of your dogs and showing them off.
2. Dog voice can't be controlled.
I personally know that when you talk to your dog it can't be a normal voice, especially if you want to keep their attention. It doesn't even matter if it's your dog or not. Dog voice is natural, but also annoying to everyone around you.
3. You've spent more money on your dog than yourself in the past month.
Come on and confess it already, your dog is your child and they have to have everything they possibly couldn't need. Your dog is probably even breaking your bank account.
4. You'd trade a day with your dog over your friends any day.
Let's face it, your dog is so much cooler than your friends. They listen without interrupting with their opinion, they snuggle with you (typically on their time though), and they don't judge on what you wear.Honestly if work or school was an option you'd opt out because you want time with your dog instead.
5. Disciplining them is the hardest decision ever.
With those cute, sad, big eyes staring you down, how could you be mad? Truth be told my dogs get away with pretty much everything. What can I say, I am a sucker for puppy eyes.
6. Seeing them sleep by themselves is heartbreaking.
I hate seeing my dogs lay on the floor, bed, or couch all alone. I could seriously start crying when I see them.
7. You cry at any commercial containing dogs.
Again, it's always the big eyes that suck you in.
8. People know more about your dog than they know about you.
I seriously have no idea how many people I've spoken to and told them about my dogs. If I didn't have dogs I don't know what the conversation topics would be.
9. Your dogs eat better than you do.
They can't just have any type of food, my dogs have to have the high dollar food. Of course they are Yorkshire Terriers, so anything involving them is expensive.
10. Anytime you are out you are always on dog watch.
I've recently noticed that my eyes are always open for dogs, whether they be in cars, stores, or parks, I am looking for them.
11. Birthdays and Gotcha Days are always celebrated.
It isn't just any day on your dog's birthday, so why not celebrate them? Mine are always showered with new toys, dress up clothes, and birthday cake with Frosty Paw ice cream. You can't forget the day you got them either, so you celebrate the beginning of a great life for you and your dog.