Hi you,
I hope you’re doing well. I hope you’re filled with love and joy and dreams and elation. I hope you’re happy. But you know what? If you’re not, that’s OK, too. You will be. Life isn’t always a nice and easy walk through the park. There are hills and potholes and seemingly earth-shattering bolts of lightning that separate you from your happiness. That’s normal. That is, in fact, what life is about. But no matter how far you think you’ve fallen and how difficult you think it will be to get back up -- it is possible, and it is worth it.
You might not know this, but to someone, you mean everything. To someone, you are their whole world. If you’re lacking the will to push on for yourself, do it for them. And do it for anyone else who is struggling, because if they see you conquer all of life’s tribulations, they can emulate you, and they can do the same. You aren’t alone in whatever you face, be it difficulties small or large. Support is all around you, have no shame or fear in seeking it out.
You know what else? You’re beautiful. I don’t care if you think you’re not because that model has a “better” body or your best friend has “better” hair. You are uniquely you and are stunning in your own right. Freckles, dimples, dark skin, light skin, tall, short, curly hair, straight hair, brown eyes, green eyes, etc. -- all of those features are beautiful, and whichever of them make you up should be cherished and loved, not despised or kept hidden. Embrace what makes you you, and you’ll be one step closer to happiness.
If you’re overwhelmed or stressed, don’t let it suffocate you. Stress can be temporary. Breathe in, breathe out -- let it go. There is no need to dwell on things that can’t be changed or are of the past. Move on with your head held high.
If you feel like the universe is just too huge and is trying to drown you - don’t let it, don’t stop swimming upwards because the surface is there, I promise. Getting to it can be tough, but do not give up. Never give up.
I want you to smile. Right now. Go ahead and smile a huge, happy smile. Maybe even a goofy one that lights up your entire face. I don’t care where you are. In class, at lunch, on the sidewalk, on your bed, at work -- smile. Smile, and remember how amazing you are and how amazing life is. You’re alive! How cool is that? You can do so much on this planet; yearn for adventure and knowledge and fun and everything else that life has to offer. Thousands of life’s treasures are free, not even a penny needed to enjoy them. Don’t waste such a wonderful opportunity!
If you ever think that you aren’t enough, reach out to the people who see you as not just enough, but as that and so much more. You are beyond incredible. Don’t forget that. There are billions of stars out there in the darkness, and if you stretch your arms high enough, you’re certain to reach one.
The Countless People Who Care.