Toxic relationships and friendships suck. It can drain all the energy out of you. Toxic relationships and friendships can become very abusive in the beginning and overtime. There are different kinds of abuse, and you can't always see it. You don't want to surround yourself with people who manipulate and constantly argue with you 24/7, and create unnecessary drama. Also talk about you to others in a harsh way. Criticizing you or pressuring you in any situation, trying to control you and insult you. It can become depressing.
Once you cut toxic people out of your life, you will realize how wrong they were for treating you that way. Then realizing you won't accept that from people anymore. Once you do come to the realization, it is a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.
When toxic people leave your life, you are allowing other people to come into your life who will make you see life from a different point of view, but a good point of view.
We've all endured the company of people who were not in our best interest at heart. Toxic people are not worth keeping around.
Unhealthy boyfriends, girlfriends, friendships, or coworkers are not worth it at all.
Here are 3 short signs of a Toxic relationship: