Hey, you -- yes, you -- congratulations. You did it! You are now cancer-free. You kicked cancer's butt. How does that feel?
I know the time has been long-coming, but you finally reached the end. You have fought many days and shed many tears. You have endured what many may never.
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I can't even begin to imagine how much strength, courage, and faith you have... wow. And to think I can't handle a rough day. I have no idea what a rough day is. You, on the other hand, know a rough day as soon as your feet hit the floor. In fact, most days, I bet your feet didn't want to hit the floor. You've been fatigued. You've been defeated. You've been pushed. You've been tried. But guess what else? You've been strong, optimistic, determined, and grateful to be alive.
Now, the day you have been waiting for has finally come: You beat death. You looked it straight in the face and said, "God's not done with me yet." Thankfully, He wasn't through with you just yet because you have shown me how to trust God in the hard times and to rejoice in the good times, to remain positive in any situation, to be thankful for every day I am alive, to praise God no matter what "storm" I am in, and to have faith that He will provide me with strength on the days where mine is gone.
So survivor, thank you. Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for fighting the good fight. Thank you for shining your light when mine has been far from bright. Thank you for choosing to smile no matter the circumstance so that I, too, can realize to be grateful for each day.
Lord, thank You, most of all. Thank You for seeing something remarkable in this fighter. I am constantly overwhelmed by Your power. Thank You for always having a way when there seems no way. Thank You for being more than all we could ever pray or hope for.
I pray that you spend the rest of your life enjoying every minute. You can now see your child walk down the aisle, hold your first grandchild, play games with your best friends, dance with your spouse, go shopping with your daughter, or fishing with your son. You can do everything the doctors said you couldn't because God is the Almighty Physician and has healed you and made you new.
And remember, God's strength is perfect when your strength is gone. Every day is still going to be a battle, but my friend, God has already won the battle for you. You are an overcomer. He is working everything out for your good and for His glory because you are His fearfully and wonderfully made creation.
I will leave you with this saying my uncle once told me... Give God thanks regardless of your situation, and He will give you joy regardless of your circumstance.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." -Isaiah 41:10