For every college student reading this, you know it's crunch time. Whether you are currently/have been on break or in the process of finishing the semester, every college student can agree that finals week is one of the most stressful weeks of any given time.
You're thinking that the semester is going smooth and steady and then all of a sudden...BAM! The last few weeks are just around the corner. Those last-minute assignments that professors forget to tell you until close to the end? Say hello to additional stress piling up.
Whether you're studying for exams, finishing up projects, writing papers, or prepping for that final presentation, it's nothing but anxiety and stress in the air. Coffee becomes your best friend (or in my case, tea). The late night munchies kick in to gear during the most random hours of the night. And those frequent trips to 7-Eleven, Dunkin, Wawa, or any gas station? Yeah that becomes a normal cycle.
And to make it even busier? The Holidays are in the air. You want to be in the holiday spirit yet it's sort of hard to when all these necessary assignments, tests, papers, projects, and presentations are piling up. All that holiday shopping? That will have to wait until the week of Christmas.
Flash forward to now, the present. The finished line is awaiting. For every college student out there (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, super senior, etc.) currently studying, typing, prepping their life away, keep that end goal in mind. All those late night studying, typing, prepping, frequent gas station runs, and coffee trips will be worth it. You're going to look back at each semester/quarter and year and think, "Damn, I sure did survive that roller coaster."
Keep your head held high. You're almost done.