You're Alive! Act Like It! | The Odyssey Online
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You're Alive! Act Like It!

How to be more productive.

You're Alive! Act Like It!

When I think about how many hours there are in a day, I realize just how much time I often spend doing absolutely nothing. As I've grown older, I have come to the conclusion that life is precious and therefore so is time. We often waste so many hours performing tasks that contribute nothing to the world. I believe the only way to make the most out of every day is to do more. Everyone is capable of bettering themselves by living productively and below are my tips for how to achieve this lifestyle.

1. Wake up early

I know just reading that sounds and feels horrible, but I promise that the early morning holds so many wonderful things. When you decide that you are no longer going to sleep away your free time, you realize just how many things you can do in the morning. Wake up and take time for yourself. Try to silence the technology you may be surrounded by and collect your thoughts. Stretch your limbs and hydrate your body with a cup of tea or water. And of course, don't forget to fuel your mind with breakfast because it's going to be a busy day.

2. Set daily goals

The saying "take it one day at a time" could not be any more fitting when describing productivity. In order to accomplish everything you want to get done, you have to determine what exactly needs to be done first. The best way to do this is by sitting down and writing out your goals for the day. By creating a list of things that can and must be done in one day, you are directly focusing on living in the now. We often spend too much time concentrating on the past or worrying about the future. Instead of thinking this way, we should direct our minds to the importance of today. You are alive, act like it.

3. Take on the to-do list

So you've written your to-do list for the day and are ready to start getting things done. The best thing you can do is work on the hardest and most dreaded task first. This will will boost your confidence in your ability to accomplish what's left on your list. It will also create momentum in your day as you have crossed off the one task that you would have most likely procrastinated. Once you have accomplished the most challenging activity on your list, you can now focus on completing the other daily goals in half the time it took you to do the first one.

4. Reward yourself

Do you like food? Of course you do. One way to be more productive is by rewarding yourself with treats after accomplishing each responsibility on your list. These "treats" don't have to be food. They could come in the form of an exercise break or perhaps a few minutes of meditation. You will work much faster if you know that there's a reward waiting for you at the end of each task. But make sure to not let these rewards distract you for too long. It is important to stay focused on what still needs to be done.

5. Learn to say no

Helping others is a great thing to do. But sometimes we tell someone yes a little too often and end up getting caught up in what they need to accomplish. You must value your own time too and learn to tell anyone and everyone no. It is sometimes easy to please others at the expense of our own productive time. By prioritizing your own goals, you will be able to make time for those who need your help. If those asking favors truly care about you, they will not be discouraged if you tell them no.

Each day we have on this planet is a gift. It is common knowledge that tomorrow is never promised. So the best thing you can do is wake up each morning ask yourself "would I rather spend my last day on Earth doing nothing or doing everything?"

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