We spend at least half of our lives trying to figure out what "Life" is. I don’t know this for a fact, no one really does either, but Life is this: It’s you sitting, or standing or laying down reading this article. Within that half of time we will spend about a quarter of it trying to figure out who we are and the rest doubting whether it’s good enough for everyone else. Some people are “ahead of the curve” and they figure it out a little sooner than you did, but even then the mighty can fall. Some people are born into it, a steady route to success. Yet, we’re all casualties on Earth; all of us just people, vulnerable to the woes and the gifts of Life. All of us trying to figure it out. All of us trying to find out who we are. So, relax, it’s okay. You are “adulting” just fine. Everything is time. Be patient.
Here are some Harry Potter quotes that, hopefully, help you sleep better at night when you're wondering "why?":
Trial and Error. It's how we get back up that defines who we are. Try it. Again. And again. And again.
A friend of mine once said to me "don't worry about something until you have something to worry about." Cross the bridge when you get there.
What is a life without love? It is what makes us utterly unique; that we can love beyond reason.
I know this one is harder to do than to say. Try reminding yourself that you are good enough. There is no one on this Earth that is just like you. So who better to say what you're capable of then you?
Don't get stuck on your mistakes; we all make them. Learn from those mistakes.
This one... I couldn't say it better myself.