As we live from day to day, we may not always be aware that the words we speak form our worlds. When we speak positive our days will shine a little brighter, however, if we speak negative the day will resemble that.
Sometimes situations in life like to consume our every thought and action. Whether that is being a good or bad situation, we tend to act upon what we say we deserve. Bad things happen in life, but it’s how we react to those things that really leave an impact.
Proverbs 18:21 discusses this subject. "The power of the tongue is life and death— those who love to talk will eat what it produces" (International Standard Version). This explains how our tongues have a lot of power. What we speak can produce either life or death.
For those who aren't of the Christian faith, Frank Outlaw has a great quote on the matter, "Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
One of the hardest things to do, especially as a college student, is to love yourself and the situations that are occurring. College is a time in our lives when we are trying to figure out who we are and what we are meant to be. It's easy for us to go around complaining about our ruts, even something as small as how we think we are going to fail a test.
Something worth trying is to focus on things that you repeat either aloud or in your mind. Are they positive? Negative? Neutral?
Some common lies include “I can't do this," "I'm going to fail," and "I'm too weak." When you catch yourself saying something like this, replace it with positivity. "I CAN do this," "I'm going to PASS," and "I'm STRONG enough." You will be surprised by what happens.
Looking back on life, there are many times that I could have changed my mood if I would have decided to keep my chin up and replaced my negativity with uplifting concepts. I'm sure that anyone reading this can relate.
Another thing to remember is that your words don't only affect your life, but they impact those around you. When you say something bad about someone, jokingly or not, it changes his or her world. Even sarcastic comments can hurt those you love the most. Words stick with us, and when someone says something mean to or about us, it hurts and we as humans tend to remember the comment.
I try to give at least three compliments a day. Telling someone that they look nice, complimenting their social media post, or even just telling them why I love them.
Keep your thoughts and words positive, it will literally change the way you live. Give yourself a pep talk and inspire those around you. It's better to talk about your plans rather than your problems. Once a word is spoken, it is difficult for it to be recovered.