We’ve all heard the famous saying “watch what you say”, but somewhere along the way we forget about it because no one reminds us as we grow older. We speak without thinking. Thus, most of us fail to recognize how truly powerful our words are. We communicate so mindlessly that often we don’t think about what we’re saying before we actually say it.
Our words can stay with another person for much longer than we’ll ever know. There have been many instances where someone remembers something I said to them years ago, when I have absolutely no recollection of the conversation even happening because it was so insignificant to me. However, different people interpret and internalize moments differently. I have realized that what has little significance to you may mean a lot more to someone else, and what you say can truly affect another individual.
Your words can be your sharpest weapon or your heftiest bandage. You can use them to bring others down or to build up their confidence. We often speak without thinking, but once you actually start to pay attention to the words that leave your mouth, you’ll find it much easier to use them for the better.
Give a compliment to the person next to you. Tell someone what you like about them, that you like their eyes, their sense of humor, their style. Say please and thank you. Use your voice to emit vibes of positivity. It’s definitely not difficult to do--all it takes is a few words of kindness and you can truly make someone’s day. You never know what another person is going through, and your compliment can mean much more to them than you’ll ever know. The opposite also holds true—using your words for the worse can also take such a strongly negative toll on them that you could never have predicted. You may not realize how harsh the things you say come off, but the person who hears them will receive it in their own way.
One person isn’t going to change the world. You’re not going to fix everything by being kind. However, one person can make a difference. Giving one compliment to a new person each day can have a positive influence on 365 people’s lives a year (and that’s not including leap years)…imagine giving compliments to two people a day, or four, or ten. You might not change the world, but your words can mean the world when you'd least expect it, and it takes practically no effort on your part.
You have the potential to create a lot of good in this world with the way you speak, but you also have the potential to hurt people. Think about the power behind your words. Think about how you can use them for the better or the worse.
Choose your words wisely—it’s up to you to decide if you’ll use them to wound or to heal.