Our generation, many of whom will be voting for the first time in our lives, play an incredibly important role in this upcoming election. We are the largest and most diverse generation in US history, allowing us to completely revolutionize our current political system. Yet this election has caused unprecedented distress across our nation. Many people continue to call into question both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, stating that neither is fit for the presidency.
Statements are being made slandering both of their characters, yet giving no resolutions. Donald Trump has a volatile temperament and a self-aggrandizing attitude, while Hillary Clinton has both a political history and a campaign that have been riddled with accusations of corruption. Bashing these candidates feels like our only resolution. Those who are opposed to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been turning to two different options: voting for a third party delegate or not voting at all. While these mentalities do have the ability to alleviate stress about what is to come, in reality, they achieve nothing and only hurt the progress of our nation.
Voting for a third party delegate feels like the only option for those with progressive viewpoints. No one wants to choose between the lesser of two evils, so they support third party candidates like Jill Stein of the Green Party and Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.
As progressives, Donald Trump is the last thing anyone wants. Even though young voters do make up a large amount of the voting block, their lack of participation in the past casts doubt on how much influence they will actually have. Trump poses an incredible threat to our nation, and this election cycle is simply not the time to choose someone who will most likely not win.
Voting for a third party candidate is dangerous. If progressives want to ensure that Trump does not become president, it is paramount for them to back a candidate that has a chance at beating him. Vote splitting can occur, causing people who are on the same side to vote for different candidates (Hillary Clinton and the third party candidates), allowing for the one candidate opposing them (in this case the Republican nominee) to win as a result. The rise of these candidates collectively captures progressive candidates’ votes, making it even more possible that Trump could be elected. To those seriously considering a third party vote on election day, use caution. Follow polls closely, because as the other candidates become more popular, Clinton’s lead may diminish.
Those who are considering not voting because they believe all candidates are corrupt are only causing more chaos than good. Voting is a right generations of Americans struggled to win, and people in other countries are still fighting for this right. Voting is your voice in our election, and using it is not only important but actually imperative.
As millennials, we are finally of age to genuinely make a difference in our government. The demonizing of the two main candidates is enough to make any millennial want to protest against the current system, choosing a third party candidate or even just not voting at all. Perhaps in future elections, our generation can garner significant support for a realistic run by a third party candidate. But sadly, now is not the time for radical change. This election has far too much on the line, and we are so polarized that we do not have an option if we genuinely want our voices heard.