While people will say just about anything to get your attention, the façade will soon fade. Everyone’s true colors eventually show. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to be a downer, but I have let my guard down enough times to know that not everyone is as good as they seem. The further you get into a relationship the more you realize about a person. You see their quirks, learn their habits, and realize things you may not like about each other. While I am all for constructive criticism, what people need to realize is I will never change who I am for another person.
I will not compromise my beliefs.
I believe what I believe. Whether that be about religion or politics or my views on marriage. I have been raised to stand up for what I believe in and you will not change that. Now, that being said, I will also never ask someone to change their beliefs for me. I will support everyone in what they think is best for them, regardless of what I think of it.
I will not wait for you.
In my short 23 years I have learned not to sit around and wait for someone to do what you want. No one is going to be that person for you. If you don’t want me, fine. Buh bye.
I will not be made to feel inferior.
I am in no way, shape, or form above you, but I sure as hell am not below you either. The second you make me feel like less of a person is the second I walk away.
I will do whatever I want to do.
I understand that people just want what’s best for each other, but if you don’t like my choices then I’m terribly sorry. I have big dreams and big plans and those may change slightly, but they are still my dreams and I don’t intend to let anyone stand in my way.
I don’t need you to make me happy.
I have learned to never depend on another person in regards to my happiness. I know what makes me happy and that may not be you.
I make my own choices.
While other’s opinions do play a role in my decision making process, ultimately it is my decision to make and I’m going to do what I think is the best thing for myself.