My years in high school, like many other's, were some of my hardest. Freshman year was a roller coaster of emotions. I went from friend group to friend group trying to find where I fit in and never really felt "connected."
I struggled with being a follower and did what was thought to be cool at the time. I was made fun of for my height because I didn't look like everyone else. Because of me focusing so much on being someone that everyone liked I struggled with my grades, my relationship with my family, as well as my relationships with God.
Since my friendships were all going downhill, and I treated my family all badly I felt as if I had no one to go to, which is what ultimately led to my anxiety and depression.
I have struggled since then, yes, but what I've realized most throughout this journey is that everyone, no matter whether I talk to them anymore or not, is always there for me no matter what I need.
Anxiety is real.
Depression is real.
Suicide is real.
I always believed that my story wasn't as "sad" as others, so I would hesitate to try to reach out for help because I felt as if it wasn't as important.
But here's the thing, you ARE important.
Your story IS important and you CAN keep going.
I've started a campaign on customink where ALL the proceeds from those who have bought the shirt will be donated to the Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas and used to help build their programs. Help me in bringing awareness to the subject that people tend to let go over their heads.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. On average 44,965 Americans will lose their lives every year, and with every suicide comes 25 attempts. Let's lower those numbers. Make them go away.
Reach out to those hurting. Listen. Have hope. Hold on.
If you are someone who struggles, do not hesitate to contact me or someone you can confide in. Have hope and keep going because your story's not over, it's only just beginning.
There's so much more to life than what you're going through right now.
SUICIDE HOTLINE: 1-800-273-8255