...is it heavy? Is it light? Is it empty? Is it full?
Or maybe you don't believe in such thing as a soul. How is your heart? How is your mind? How is your conscience? How is whatever makes you, you?
Maybe you haven't taken the time to think about that lately. And maybe you're going to think it's silly that some people do. And maybe your going to think it's foolish that I am one of them.
But how is your soul?
Is it empty? Are you trying to fill it- with thrills, smoke, alcohol, meaningless sex? Impermanent things? Adrenaline fades, smoke dissipates, alcohol sobers, and sex only lasts so long. These temporary fillers fade, leaving the same empty void that resided there before.
People are reminded so often to care for themselves; for their body, for their intelligence, for their appearance. But when is the last time you cared for your soul?
We cater to our bodies through exercise and diet. We immerse ourselves in classes and lessons to further our knowledge. We make-up our faces and cleanse our skin with fancy soaps and masks.
But when's the last time you cleansed your soul?
When's the last time you eliminated everything frivolous?
When's the last time you've simply enjoyed your own company?
When's the last time you've gone outside at night to have the stars remind you how small we are?
When's the last time you've spent more time in real-life than on social media?
When's the last time you've re-read your favorite book, even though you know every word?
When's the last time you drove around with the windows down, the music up, with nowhere particular to go?
When's the last time you breathed in fresh air and felt the sun on your skin?
When's the last time you were up before the sun?
When's the last time you rid your life of toxic people?
When's the last time you returned to your roots- did something you always loved as a child?
When's the last time you hit your knees and spoke to God?
I'm just wondering.
How is your soul?