The bond between sisters is probably the most important one in your life. She is someone who grows, cries, and laughs with you. No matter how far apart you are, you will always be connected by heart. No one understands you better.
"There is no better friend than a sister, and there is no better sister than you."
1. She has been there through all of the good and bad times.
In life, we face celebrations as well as hardships. The good times are always better when someone is by our side to celebrate them, and the hard times are a little easier with someone to help you when you feel defeated. Sisters are always there to back you up, no matter what.
2. Your sister knows you better than anyone.
Since she has been around for so long, she really knows all of your weird habits and every personality trait. Along with that, she also knows why you are the way you are because she has literally witnessed almost every step in your life. She always tends to buy you the best presents because she knows exactly what you would like.
3. No one is more likely to tell you how it is.
I do not know one person who is more honest with me than my sister. She is the first one to let me know when I am wrong or when I am doing something stupid. She is kind of like a second conscience; telling you right from wrong. And she is likely to have the same morals as you since she grew up in the same environment. She also doesn’t care if you do not agree with her when she disapproves of something you do, because she knows you will never actually stay angry about not agreeing on a topic.
4. She understands your parents.
If you are angry about something your parents did or said to you, or if they did not let you do something, she always helps you understand and usually agrees with you.
5. You grew up with the same values.
You expect the same things in life because you grew up the same way, so she always comprehends your thought process better than anyone else. She shares many of the same goals and ethics and always understands where you are coming from on important matters in life.
6. Your closet is her closet.
What’s better? This is one of the best parts about having a sister, obviously. She always seems to buy the shirt you saw at the store and wanted, but never bought. So you can always just “borrow” from her. The only negative part about this is when or if either one of you lose the clothes. So annoying.
7. Your friends are her friends.
Your friends accept her as one of their own and are always there to help her with anything she may need. If you are not around, you know your friends can always act as a second sister to her.
8. You share all of the same memories.
Since you are from the same family, all of your memories are essentially the same, so you can look back on life together and remember all of the crazy events that took place in your lives.
9.She is your backbone and greatest support system.
Life can get stressful and crazy, and you know whenever you get stressed she is always only a phone call away for an ice cream or shopping trip. She will listen to all of your problems and never care what they are about. Both of you would do anything for each other in an instant.
10. You have a secret keeper for your entire life.
Anything you say to her is always kept deep inside her heart. She knows all everything about you, and can read you even when you are not speaking. She will be there for you throughout every single endeavor in your life and will always keep your secrets for you, no matter what. Your relationship will never be broken.
11. You would do anything for each other.
I would do anything for my sister at the drop of a hat. She is the most important person in my life, and no matter what happens between us, I will always be there for her anytime and whenever she needs me. Forever.