Let me say it again: Your singleness can be useful.
It's a lesson I'm currently learning, but I can't deny the truth of it. The Apostle Paul speaks of this in 1 Corinthians 7. He speaks of the benefits of staying single, if possible, because single people can focus solely on the things of the Lord rather than how they must serve their spouses or families. As a single young person you won't have your attention split between God and family. Paul is not saying that marriage is wrong or unnecessary. He recognizes that marriage is important, but while a person is unmarried, he should be doing his best to serve the Lord with all his time, talents, and treasure.
Consider your singleness a blessing.
Being single should not be a burden but a blessing. No one should make you feel less than worthy because you are single. On the other hand, do not wear your singleness as a scarlet letter and go around like a martyr. Yes, God may have you in a season of singleness, but do not believe that it will just be your lot in life. God has bigger and better plans for you than that! If you are to marry, He will reveal that. If you're to stay single, He will definitely make it known. God is not in the habit of hiding what He wants for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Open His Word and begin seeking Him. He will show you His will as you search His Word and seek to know Him more. He isn't hiding from you. You just may not be searching for Him as you should. You've been given all the time in the world (for now, at least). Use that time wisely.
"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:13
"I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me." Proverbs 8:17
Find ways to serve the people around you.
You might still live at home. You may have your own place. Both provide great opportunities to serve the Lord and others. Do you have younger siblings that you could take out on a little date? It could be anything from some kids' movie to a walk around the park. Keep it simple yet memorable. Children need time and attention not things. If you live on your own, maybe you have a neighbor that could use a meal or a helping hand with chores or simply someone to talk to. A listening ear is worth more than a monologue of useless advice. If you don't already serve in your church (or other place of worship), go to your pastor and ask where you can get plugged in. Maybe a Sunday School class needs an extra pair of hands or the choir could use another voice. If you're good with people, maybe your church could use a greeter.
Examine yourself and what you can improve upon.
This isn't a prerequisite to fulfill. You may have already met the one you are to marry, but you may not be ready for marriage or even dating at the moment. Maybe God just wants you to be patient, or maybe He is trying to bring about some change in your life. As I said before, seek God and He will reveal what He has for you. If your heart isn't fully focused on God, He can't show you what He is preparing you for. Timing is important, but being in the right place at the right time is useless if you aren't the right person at the right place at the right time.
I hope this all makes sense. I don't profess to be a "love expert." I've just learned a thing or two, and in my case, it was usually the hard way.