If you're like me then you know Breaking Bad is just about as addictive as Heisenberg's famous blue crystal meth. You would also know that once you start watching Breaking Bad your semester could have a lot of ups and downs as you try to balance your schoolwork and keeping up with Jesse and Walt. Now if you have it real bad and the show is always on your mind, there are times where the show just gets you and explains perfectly how you feel and all you can say is...
So in review of the last semester and for all of those taking summer classes, let the Breaking Bad therapy begin. Here's 15 times Breaking Bad hit the nail on the head with how you felt during the semester:
1. When the class you need is full and you can't register because you had a hold on your account:
2. When you find out the required book in the syllabus isn't really required because the one chapter you need is online:
3. When you remember an assignment that's due at midnight at 11 p.m.:
4. When you don't know what you're doing and need help from your pal Saul who knows how to work the system:
5. When you turn in your paper at 11:59 when it was due at midnight:
6. When you try to bribe your TA as a broke college student:
7. When you have fun with the lab equipment since your lab professor isn't looking:
8. When your professor not only tells you that you can work on homework together but encourages it:
9. When midterms come around:
10. When you find out you get a cheat sheet on the test you didn't study for:
11. When your professor tells you that there is a paper due or test the Monday after spring break:
12. When your teacher asks if you understood what they did:
13. How you feel when you work on a project with lower class students for your GPA boost elective:
14. When you your assignment grades are finally posted and you realize your GPA is going to tank:
15. Walking out of finals with your head held high because the semester is over:
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and you feel a bit better about your semester! If not then don't sweat it, just go re-watch Breaking Bad in its entirety. Now go party!