Every day, people live lives they don't feel mean anything. The things they do don't seem to have meaning in the bigger picture of things, and they're really only living to make the best of their own insignificant life. It's depressing to think that countless individuals think they're just a drop in the ocean, and they make no difference to the world. That is the furthest thing from the truth.
Every person has an ability to change the world every day. Changing the world doesn't happen overnight or by one person, but a drop still creates a ripple that eventually can turn into a wave. Each person has a chance to make this world a better place, one act of kindness at a time. It may not seem like you're changing the world, but you are. The actions you do effect those around you in ways you'll never know, and those effects can be the beginning of a better world. It's like a web-- we're each only a tiny part, but through our connections we create this magnificent thing.
I've had countless individuals inspire me without even knowing they've driven me to want more from myself. They taught me lessons on how to do the right thing and be a better person, and this happens every day. People help push people in positive directions without ever knowing they are, but it's these small things that lead to more. Helping one person starts a chain reaction, and sometimes even by just changing that one person's world you've changed the whole world. You never know what they can do with the inspiration you gave them.
You may see your actions as small, but everything starts somewhere. Your actions can easily be the starting place of something great. Your small gestures or actions can change the world, but you can also do more than you think. You have the ability to change things on a larger scale too if you put forth the effort. You and everyone else have a thousand chances to start changing the world, don't waste them.
The world is not a perfect place and never will be, but it can still improve. Step out in the world and help make the changes it needs. Start small or go big, either way just start doing something. You have a chance to make the world a better place, don't waste your chance. Take every opportunity you get to do good; you could be the difference between something amazing and a disaster. You just have to take the chance.