What would New Year's be without some reflections and resolutions? At the beginning of 2015, everything was coming up roses; by the end, all of my planning and attempts to keep it together had failed. And through all of it, I kept pushing myself harder and harder, trying to grieve moments quickly and return to my peppy self, trying to hold everything together. I know so many people who are in the same boat, the same sinking boat just trying to stay afloat. Life is for living, not for surviving.
I'm exhausted. It's hard trying to be perfect, way too hard. So rather than making a plan and a list of things to improve on in 2016, I came up with just one heart change for us worn-down folks:
Be kind to yourself.
Allow yourself to be sad because you might be in painful circumstances and there's no timeline for grief.
Look at your body and love every inch of it because you are created in the image of God and He adores the things you think are flaws: your soft stomach, your freckles, your cellulite.
Eat more veggies because they're good for the body.
Eat more cookies because they're good for the soul.
Spend more time with your Creator not because it's a chore to check off but because He loves you more than anyone else ever can, and trust me-- you want to be deep in that love.
Buy yourself flowers, read your favorite books, take yourself out to coffee, and spend time with those who challenge and care about you.
Don't confuse taking care of yourself with selfishness; I've been doing that for far too long. If no one has told you yet: your well-being is allowed to be one of your priorities.