Life is hard, no doubt about it. We all go through things that make no sense. We all experience pain in our life at some point. We all experience doubt, disappointment and heartbreak. All of these are normal.
I used to be ashamed. I used to be ashamed of my life. I hated it. I did not find my life fair. I was confused why I had to go through the things I did. I couldn't figure out what I did wrong. I thought the reason I experienced so much heartache was because I did something wrong. I knew I was a sinner, but I never meant it. I knew people who did the same things as me, who didn't have to endure the pain I did. I thought maybe God is trying to make me better, but again, I knew people who were going to turn out just fine without having to be abused. They weren't hurting as much as I was.
I am here to tell you, you are not what your situation is. I know things might seem unfair. I didn't think I could ever understand why my mom was an alcoholic, why my father left, why I was abused, I thought I was a good person. The abuse filled my head with so many lies.
Jesus uses your situation. I promise He does. I COULD not be the person I am today without my situation. You learn what faith really is. Faith in Jesus Christ is not going to church on Sunday, following a bunch of rules and reading your Bible. Faith in Jesus Christ is full reliance and trust in Him. Faith in Jesus Christ is love, loving others more than yourself and spreading what He has done for you.
The situation you are in may be hard, it may hurt a lot. Some days it may hurt more than you can bear. Jesus is not putting you through this for you to turn away from Him. Jesus puts us through these situations to grow closer to Him. We have two choices when we experience pain on this earth. Number one, you can learn to rely on Him. You can spread His word, spread His love, you can overcome with Him. Number two, you can let it hurt. You can let Satan take control and let him lie more and more. You can let him tell you it won't ever end, let him tell you it's for no reason, but know that he is lying.
Now, let's talk about your new life. When you choose to let Christ take over, and turn away, you begin to have an entirely different life. You have this life of redemption because when you begin to rely on Christ your situation reverts to the back of your mind. It may always be there, but Christ is so much bigger. Your new life is not completely absent of pain, but the world is lifted off your shoulders when you turn your life and your situation to Him. Your new life is when you give the situation completely to Christ to take, and He never declines. He takes your situation and you, and all your worries are gone. You are clean, you are loved and you start to realize the lies the world tells you, you realize what love really is, you learn to love others like you never thought you could before. This is the love of Christ beaming through you, one of the amazing things that come with this new life you get to live. All you have to do for this new life is have faith. Having faith comes from hard situations. So yes, you may be hurting. It is for a reason, start your new life today. It is never too late, and it is never too early.