All those things she said to you when you were a kid and they sounded cheesy? They're true, and they mean the world to you now whether you realize it or not. She's there for you, she loves you and so much more.
1. Those dishes won't do themselves
And they will stack up fast.
2. Money doesn't grow on trees
But, god, you wish it did.
3. Home is where the heart is
Whether it's your new school or your hometown, home will shift and mutate throughout your life but it's always full of people who mean the world to you.
4. Put on sunscreen
You think you don't need to but if you don't use it? You're definitely getting sun burnt.
5. You should learn to do your own laundry
Because when you end up calling her from your dorm room at college asking whether that one shirt should go with the light or the dark clothes she'll answer but she'll roll her eyes a little.
6. Take pictures of everything
A picture is worth a thousand words.
7. Setting aside time for yourself is healthy
And encouraged. Plus, sometimes you just need to tell your friends no and sit at home alone.
8. You have to spray the pan before you make cookies
Because the last thing you want is the cookies burnt onto the pan. Don't ruin your kitchenware.
9. Unless it's a nonstick pan
Then you're probably in the clear.
10. Too much cookie dough will make you sick
But you're going to keep eating too much anyways.
11. Thank you notes are necessary
"A child who can write a nice thank-you note can turn into a cocaine dealer five years later and be remembered as the child who wrote nice thank-you notes." -Lemony Snicket
12. Don't be the kid who does cocaine
Or the kid who deals cocaine. She will not stand for that behavior.
13. Spending time with your grandparents is important
Because grandparents are the best.
14. She does everything in this house
No matter how much you think you're doing, she's honestly doing twice as much.
15. Boys will be boys
You won't like it, and you'll expect better from a lot of boys, but until they're ready to grow up boys will definitely be boys.
16. Breakfast for dinner is always good
And ordering in has to happen regularly. Maybe not regularly, but occasionally.
17. Driver has veto power on the radio
It kind of sucked when she changed Hannah Montana, but now you can use the rule on your friends to change the station back to Hannah Montana.
18. Always wear your seat belt
Always! Always! Always!
19. Tell people you love them when you do
It's important and so are they. No one is too cool or too tough for you to tell them you love them.
20. Kids love Disney movies
This one has helped you through countless nights of babysitting. Also, you might love Disney movies even more now.
21. Everything happens for a reason
Everything will work itself out. She loves you and she's there.