"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." - Oscar Wilde
It has always been in her nature to --- dream. Even though she did not believe in modern day-fairy tales, a part of her always wished it them be true. She was the type of dreamer who passionately wanted to one day, wake up and everything would make sense. Like, getting the answer as to why she got her heart broken (more than once), when she didn't receive the dream-job she so wished for, when she couldn't understand that the issues in the world seemingly looked so much bigger than life.
She dreamed about having those answers, having success, and having what America tells us that we will have in time ---- happiness. She planned too much for her future that she forgot to live in the present. Even though she wanted the answers to her problems, she still wanted contentment in the things she had.
One day, she got those answers, yet it did not fulfill anything within her because she realized that her existence does not rely on answers, her passions, or happiness, but God.
You see, as humans we naturally question things, we naturally have passions and talents, but that doesn't give us our worth. It comes with maturity to realize that answers do not necessarily have to come to satisfy our need. Jesus Christ fulfills that need.
She realized that it was not the pain, heartbreak, and doubts that she had that made her wake up, but merely understanding God's place for her in this world. It is not at all easy to find or understand, but it is possible.
She started to understand that it was not just about waiting for something to happen to bring her contentment, but seeing that trusting the arm's that God holds around her is more than the plans she had set for herself.
When she remembered this, God showed her a whole new world. It was not about the A Whole New World from the Aladdin movie that seemed to perfect and natural that you probably thought of while reading this. In fact, it is entirely different. You see, the talents, passions, weaknesses, and strengths that she has are different from anyone else's. She trusts in the fact that God made her an individual--uniquely made both in flesh, and in soul. There are trials that she faced and will continue to face, but they are only placed in her life to challenge and strengthen her. Just as God planned and anticipated.
Our Father knew that she would be hurt by the people and things of this world, but they were only placed in her life -- ultimately to change her heart and shape her heart to wake up to realize what is real.