Imagine this. You’re 39 years old and you visit your doctor for a regular check-up. But this time it’s different. Your doctor diagnoses you with stage four COPD/Emphysema/Alpha-one-Antitrypain deficiency. Today, you only have 18 percent lung function and have to remain on oxygen at all times. Your CT scans are beginning to show several spots that you pray are not cancer. Without a lung transplant, the doctors anticipate your ability to survive would be only five years. You are now in year four.
This is a real story about a real person, a person very dear to my heart. As you can imagine, hearing this news four years ago changed things for her--a lot of things. But here’s what her diagnosis didn’t change: her mindset, her attitude and her faith. Despite everything that’s happened, she has remained positive, happy and upbeat. She continues to see the beauty in life. She chooses happiness every single day. She lives as though she is not promised tomorrow. She loves big and laughs hard. She gives and gives, expecting nothing in return. And that is what makes her the strongest and most inspirational person I know.
Unfortunately, these things happen every single day. People are diagnosed with life changing diseases, people go bankrupt, people lose a loved one or a job or their home, etc. Bad things happen and what’s even more unfortunate is that often, we have no control over them. We just have to sit back and take it. We have to let the bad stuff run its course. Some people let these moments in life take over completely. But others realize that although they can’t control what’s happening to them, they can control how they react to it. And that is perhaps the most important lesson you can learn from these situations. Choosing happiness in times of adversity is not always easy, but I can assure you it’s always worth it. So here’s my advice:
1. When things go wrong, don’t go with them.
Because things will go wrong. You will have setbacks. That’s just life--but you don’t have to go down with them. You don't have to let them define or consume you. Throw on your positive pants and your biggest smile and get on with your day.
2. Take back what was taken from you.
Bad things tend to have power of us even without us realizing it. They upset us, drain us and beat us. They change the way we think and the way we live. They steal our happiness and our joy. When you choose a positive mindset, you take that power back. You stop letting the bad things control you. By choosing a positive mindset, you win. No matter what. You win.
3. When it’s hardest to be positive, that’s when being positive will make the biggest difference.
The bigger the problem, the harder it is to keep a positive mindset. But these are the times your positive mindset is the most important. I see it in Jen’s journey. Her mindset is what keeps her going. Because she envisions a positive outcome and continues having faith, she has a future worth fighting for; and she fights. Hard.
4. Teach your brain to see the good, not the bad.
There’s always good. Even if it’s buried deep, deep down, it’s always there. Take the time to find it and focus on it instead of only seeing the bad. Because after all, what consumes your thoughts controls your life. Let it be good.
5. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.
See yourself overcoming. Envision yourself beating the odds. Imagine yourself succeeding. And I promise you, you will.
6. Believe and breathe.
Believe in miracles. Believe that there’s good in the world. Believe in yourself. Treasure each breath you take. Be grateful for today. Simply taking a breath is difficult for Jen, yet she continues to believe and breathe every single day. And that is something that can inspire us all.
If you would like to know more about Jen’s journey or would like to give your support, feel free to visit and like her Facebook page.