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My IAS college major as told by "The Office"

The story of my life explaining my major.

My IAS college major as told by "The Office"

I recently declared my major. So now when people ask "What is your major?" I actually have an answer for them.

But now I have hit the hole of trying to explain what my major is to people. See, I'm not doing the typical major you hear like: Business, Nursing, Accounting, English, Writing, BioMed, Chemistry, Psychology, and many other majors you here and you need to give no explanation.

Now when I get the question "What is your major?" I say "Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences."

and I get this look:

Because people have no idea what in the world it is. So I explain its a major where you get the freedom of taking a wide range of classes unlike most majors where you have to follow a guide in order to graduate. I say "For example next quarter I am taking a lit class, women's history, and a genocide class, and they all go towards my major."

and I get this response:

Ok not really but its how it feels.

So the most simple way I can explain it is this: It's a major for the people that have no idea what they are fully interested in so this major makes it available for them to take many many different types of classes while still getting a degree.

And then the questions continue... for example:

"Oh that's interesting. Do you have a main focus?"

"What are you going to do with that degree?"

"So...what kind of job can you actually get with that?"

"Don't you think a different major could get you farther?"

"Wait we have that here?" (yes even students at UW don't even know about this major.

and in my head I'm like this:

But on the outside I look like this:

Because there is nothing like being told on the down low that people don't think this is a good choice but you cant just scream at them because that is not how people would handle the situation.

So here is what UWT says about the program of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences or IAS. (because honestly its is a tongue twister) :

The Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences major provides broad exposure to key areas of knowledge within the arts and sciences, while stressing their interconnectedness. This degree is based on core courses in history, environmental science, literature/arts, social science and an introduction to Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences and allows students to maximize the potential of interdisciplinary studies while gaining the skills they need to be successful in a rapidly changing society and world.

Career Options: Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences students pursue careers in a number of areas, including but not limited to education, business, government and the non-profit sector. Many students planning to earn a post-baccalaureate certificate in elementary education choose this major because it allows them to gain a broad base of knowledge useful for their future classroom curricula. Students may also pursue graduate studies in a range of disciplines.

Hopefully now after reading this I will do a happy dace when people ask about my major

Instead of doing something like this:

*On a whole different note. Now that people know what this major is can it be added to those "College Majors as ……" because those are so funny and true and my major is not apart of it. but also I am not creative enough to make my own*

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