Your loving spirit helped me find my own. | The Odyssey Online
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Your loving spirit helped me find my own.

Your loving spirit helped me find my own.

There may not be a standard age to have a baby, but I was sure that at age 21 with a freshly printed college degree from 3 months prior and no job was not the best time for me. Not to mention I had less than a month of marriage under my belt. When you think of the age 21, the only kind of bottles most would have around their home would be the empty vodka bottle from the night before. I had what I thought was a perfect plan and nothing was going to stop me. Well, turns out growing a child can definitely slow things down a bit. Now that I look back, I realize how our timing isn't always the best timing. Despite the people chattering around me "Oh, but she's so young" or "Wow, I can't imagine having a child at 21," I quickly came to the realization that being a young mom is awesome. It has taught me more about life and about myself than any college course ever could. Here's 10 reasons to love being a young mom.

1. Balancing a successful career and motherhood as a young woman is SO empowering

For some women, having a child can put a hold on their career. It was the opposite for me. Becoming a mother helped me prioritize every aspect of my life. Having a daughter who inspires me to always strive for better is such a blessing. I've made some huge changes that have made me a happier person and a happier mom overall.

2. Energy, energy & more ENERGY!

If you don't have children, just wait. The amount of energy it takes to chase a busy toddler around is INSANE. I'm thankful I am able to give my daughter more energetic years- more lightening bug catching, more dance parties, more spontaneous family trips. I've been told, "You're so lucky to have all that energy.", and I know it is true.

3. Time is everything

Having a baby at 21 rather than my mid 30's gives me 10 plus more years of being a mom. An extra decade of love and making memories. If I get anywhere close to the American life expectancy of a woman, I'm going to see A LOT. I want my little girl to be my baby forever but at the same time I can't wait to see what the future holds for her. The only thing most people long for at the end of life isn't more money or more vacations, it's simply more time.

4. Early empty nest

I'll be nearing my 40's when my daughter goes to college. That leaves plenty of time for traveling and lazy Sunday mornings reading my favorite books.

5. Sharing accomplishments

Did you know that your life isn't over after you have a child? I've heard a lot of women say they don't want children until the accomplish everything they want to accomplish in life. Uhmmm... what? YOUR LIFE IS NOT OVER WHEN YOU BECOME A MOTHER. And let me tell you from experience, there is something so beautiful about showing your child how to achieve goals by allowing them to watch you firsthand.

6. Sleep isn't a big deal

You can survive on less sleep, you're young! I can still pull an occasional all-nighter and still get through the day without wanting to pull my hair out.

7. Rockin' the "mom-bod"

Your body works better. You're more flexible and can kneel over the bathtub without getting a backache not to mention you can chase that crawling baby or walking toddler around for hours without feeling completely exhausted. And -- chances are your body will bounce back more quickly with much less effort on your part!

8. Young(er) grandparents

My daughter is so lucky! She has amazing grandparents who love her so dearly and are very actively involved in her life. She also has great grandparents who spoil the heck out of her. Not to mention great aunts and great uncles who, even though some live thousands of miles away,send lovely gifts and show her how loved she is.

9. Growing up

Before pregnancy, you could find me at the lake enjoying summer and having a few drinks with my so-called "friends." I was okay with part-time friends at the time, but after having a child and going through an emotional time in my life, my true friends were more apparent than ever. I cut every one off who only wanted to be there when it was convenient, people that didn't care about my family and my new life no longer needed to be a part of it. Your true friends surface and you learn to lean on family when you need them most.

10. Love develops a whole new meaning

With each and every day that goes by I think I can't possibly love my daughter anymore than I already do, she is my entire world. And then, there she goes blowing Momma kisses or learning something new and it just melts my heart and feels my heart with complete joy and more and more love. It's a kind of love you can never ever imagine until you have a child of your own.

"I may have not gone where I intended, but I know for certain I ended up exactly where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams

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