We all have these feelings about Utica, one day we love it and the next we are telling others we just flat out hate it. I’ve got news for you, once you’re gone you’ll remember just how much you loved it. Through all those love hate moments you will love it and here is just a few reasons why..
We all can say that once we leave Utica we really did learn a lot, be that from experiences at UC or ones from late nights down on Varick. Those experiences are ones that you’ll never forget even if you weren’t in the right state of mind at that moment. The city has taught us a lot, rainbow has taught us to have fun and to ALWAYS get Lukins after you call it a night at one of the many bars on Varick. In the end we should respect and grow from the trials and tribulations the great city of Utica has thrown at us.
You love Utica and you know it, I’ll admit its better then home sometimes. Sitting at home be that over winter break or during the summer we all can attest that we miss the city. Sometimes it might be you just know once you go back you’ll see all your friends. At different times we all just crave the change of scenery and it would be much better than the one at your house. You will miss the place you call home but once you get older you will miss the place you called home for 4 years. Many students spend more than 4 years in this great city and I can attest to that. I love it so much I’m staying a 5th year and I’ve enjoyed every second of it.
The last reason we all love Utica…We go to school here! The city has blessed us with easily the best 4 years of our lives. Through all the ups and downs the city has been there for us, providing us with awesome food and a decent place to lay our heads at night. And who could forget campus housing, I know we are all going to miss the days where it was too hot to even think in the dorms.
To wrap things up, Utica has given us some of the best experiences and moments we could ever have. So when you sit down and have those love hate moments just remember all the great people you got to meet and the great times you had. Do everyone a favor and comment below some of things you will always love about Utica!