Recently, I have gotten into a particular addictive game that everyone else has discovered years and years before me. Now that I've found it, though, the thoughts continue to find me... Am I a Sim? I find myself in situations that savor of Sim, and I figured I'd share them with you this week. Here are 15 hilarious "Sims" GIFs to sum up life as a human Sim. Enjoy!
1. When you attempt to cook:
2. Accepting your summer beach bod:
3. Trying to learn the new hip dance moves all the cool kids are doing:
4. You and your squad:
5. Completely oblivious to how horribly you have failed:
6) When your worst nightmare becomes reality:
7) Making your grand entrance at a party:
8) Seeing yourself out of an awkward situation:
9) That one day you looked great:
10) But then the next day...:
11) When your food is finally ready:
12) When you feel like a failure but your eyeliner is on point:
13) Your friend knocking sense into you:
14) When your cat reminded you of how much he loved you:
15) You have no idea what you're doing and everyone knows it:
If you are a human Sim, you may have experienced some of these moments in your actual life. I'm beginning to think that I may be living in a Sims' World.