Finals week, the only week when studying is truly your top priority. Eating, sleeping and functioning as a normal member of society are secondary.
When your professor gives a review sheet for your final:
But then you realize the final is cumulative:
You've spent so much time in the library you forgot how it is to actually socialize with members of society.
You begin to wonder what its like to have more than a few hours of sleep a night.
You've drank so many cups of coffee from the library coffee shop that you soon believe that its the best thing ever, and suddenly feel the need to congratulate them for being able to keep you awake studying.
And the coffee shop already knows your order, so you just have to show up like:
Sleep deprived and sick of studying, Literally anything and everything people do annoys you.
After hours of studying, you realize how much more studying you still have to do, and fall into a half an hour state of disbelief.
You continue to procrastinate while questioning everything from why finals exist to why your finger has a heartbeat:
You whip out the secret stash of snacks that you brought with you and devour them as a full meal in record time.
You try to self test yourself and realize youve made zero progress since youve opened your books.
You begin to fantasize about all the things that you're going to do once you get through finals week.
Suddenly, the amount of work that you still have to do to get a passing grade on your finally hits you in the face.
You study to your breaking point and then realize that your brain might explode.
You get to the test and your afraid to look at the first page.
When you actually see that some of your studying was worth it.
and then finally, after what seems like an eternity of studying and finals, you run out of your last final, knowing that winter break is upon you.