Let me ask you a question: Do you believe that Jesus died to save your life and free you from your sins? If you answered "yes," then let me ask you another question: Do you believe your life was intended for more than just stress?
I hope you answered yes, because you are so much more beautiful, powerful, successful, and smarter than your stress would lead you to believe. If stress could speak, it would tell you that you are a failure, a mess, a sinner, and a poor mistake for a human. But our Savior died so that you could rise to your full potential and experience life in the best possible way. Our Savior died so that you wouldn't have to live a life chained to stress, disappointment, and failure.
Your stress doesn't need to define your life in 2018. Your stress doesn't even need to stick around in 2018. Why not ditch those bad vibes at the doorstep? Why not tell the evil one that you're tired of being beat down all the time, and that you want Christ to fill your life in all the places that stress once dominated? Why not tell your family and friends that stress is no longer welcome in your heart?
Let me ask you a few more questions: Who is your king? Who is the master of your life? Is it the tiny voice telling you to say "yes" to more jobs so that you can provide more money for your family? Is it the pressure to keep yourself busy, even on your day off?
Is it the guilt you experience when you feel like you haven't done enough with your life? Is it the disappointment that comes when you realize that stress is tearing you apart, draining your energy, and ruining your closest relationships?
Here's a big secret: Stress is a trendy excuse used by people who haven't found their true purpose in life yet. Stress is a scapegoat for the fact that some people don't understand the purpose of life. Stress is a fancy way to let people know that you're such a popular and busy person that you have no time to breathe in your daily life.
Here's another big secret: I am not jealous of your stress.
Your stress does not have to exist. If you're worried about money, why not reduce your spending, eliminate your debts, and condense your bills so that you can thrive on less income per month? I promise you that if you earnestly seek God and steward your money wisely, you will never have to worry about finances again.
If you're worried about what you'll do with your free time, why not take a day to Sabbath and enjoy God's goodness? I promise you that a day off can be very fruitful for a burdened soul, and it has nothing to do with laziness. If you're worried about what people will think of you, just imagine how jealous your critics will be when they realize that you've eliminated stress from your life. They'll wish they knew your secret.
Stress may originate physiologically, but it doesn't have to dominate the rest of your body. Remember that a little stress is healthy, but an overload can cause premature death. This year, guard your heart from the stress that tells you that you're not valuable unless you completely overwhelm yourself with work and other obligations 24/7.
Don't let stress reach your soul. Don't let stress alter the state of your precious heart. Guard your heart with a key that only Jesus can unlock, and leave stress behind in 2018.