As soon as class gets out and all you want to do is sleep and watch Netflix.
When your parents take you out to eat and try to take their left-overs home with them.
When you are so confident writing a paper only to find out later everything you said was incorrect.
After finals week.
When you hear an event on campus is offering free food.
When you have your all-nighter break down at three in the morning.
When you pass a pop-quiz.
When your friend complains that her boyfriend has not proposed and you're still single.
When a professor assigns a paper, a presentation, and an exam in all the same week.
Every time a boy opens a text and doesn't reply.
Getting ready for a night out with your friends.
When people make negative comments about you going Greek.
When the freshman meet you and say, "I've heard about you."
When a freshman gets worried about "only" having two days to read fifty pages.
When you realize that in less than four years you will have to graduate and enter the real world.
(Crying to Oprah probably is the only solution to this problem.)
When you realize you having some of the best years of your life and decide to ignore adult responsibilities for as long as possible.