Imagine that you are a poor college student and, one day, you open up your wallet, only to find it stuffed with money. The wallet is completely packed, overflowing and spilling out into your hands. Ones, five, tens, hundreds. No one has given this money to you, it's just appeared out of thin air. You quickly discover that each time you take money out of the wallet, more money magically takes its place.
Like most anyone, you start spending that cash; you pay off your student loans, take a vacation, buy a car. The money keeps on coming. Then one day, you see a homeless person standing on the sidewalk, begging for money. It suddenly hits you that maybe this blessing of wealth is meant for a greater purpose than buying shoes. You have enough money that your needs will always be taken care of, and therefore you can give endless amounts of cash to anyone that needs it.
Now, imagine that this wallet will stop magically filling with money on the day you die. You are the only one capable of giving the money, and when you take your last breath, the wallet will be empty. Wouldn't you want to spend every waking moment giving away as much of the money as possible? Wouldn't you want to travel around the world buying food for the hungry, housing the homeless, and sharing your infinite wealth with as many people as possible while you have time?
What if I told you that you already posses an infinite amount of something that billions of people are in dire need of? Because you do. You posses love. That might sound sappy, but really think about it. You will never run out of love to give. If you loved a million people, you would still have more. In fact, the more you love, the more love you will have. The more people you reach out to with kindness, respect, and understanding, the more people will treat you in the same way. Your love, however, is unique. No one can spread love in the way that you do. When you're gone, people will no longer receive your unique love.
So the question is, are you making a point, every minute of every day, to give out as much of that love as possible? If you watch the news, log onto Facebook, or open a magazine, it is clear that most people are not. It seems that with each day, more hate, sorrow, and tragedy fills up our world. People everywhere are suffering from an extreme lack of love, and things are not going to change unless everyone recognizes the extreme wealth that they have to give freely. Today, choose love. Choose to give it, spread it, and encourage it. I truly believe that this is the first and most vital step to changing our world.