Life works in mysterious ways. It can be really great, or really bad, but either way we were brought on this earth for a reason, and to live through all the good and bad. We were all given bodies, minds, and souls to help us through this ride called life. That's a great thing. The problem with that is that we were given standards for our bodies to have and live with for eternity. There is this stigma around having the "perfect" body shape, skin color, and or mind set, when in reality there is no such thing as perfection and that can truly mess with people.
You see, there are these people that handle media, meaning magazines, music, social media, and many other things. These people, the media, set standards for the perfect body for both women and men. Yes it applies to both genders, and everything in between. For men, the "perfection" standards lie in being ridiculously tall, dark haired, tan, and muscular. For women, they must be on the taller side as well, blonde, perfect skin/caked makeup, stick thin, tan, and big assets (chest and behind).
By NO means are these standards "perfect", mostly because it just doesn't happen that way. Not all men are tall, dark, or muscular. Not all women are blonde, stick thin, and have huge breasts. No one should look at those standards and say "I'm not beautiful or handsome because I don't look like that". You know what though? That happens.
Perfection does NOT exist.
Imperfection, does, and that's not a problem. That's a great thing. We are imperfect humans and that's a beautiful thing.
Your cellulite, your small breasts, your pale skin and acne is so beautiful. Rock those stretch marks. Rock that extra skin. Rock the space between your teeth. Rock your glasses. Rock your think thighs. Rock those biceps. You need to be you.
Words like "fat" and "skinny" need to be taken out of these conversations. The fat vs. skinny battle needs to stop. So you got a little extra weight to you can see your ribs...WHO CARES? It's their bodies. There could be a lot more going on than you know, and it's not your business to be spreading hate when it could seriously hurt someone.
There's nothing wrong with bodies and their flaws. You could have a little extra skin, you could be boney, you could have some junk in your trunk, you could have a lot of muscle, or no muscle at all; it's all beautiful.
I am tired of seeing the current "perfection" standards constantly surrounding the media and are posted for everyone on social media to see. There are young girls and boys starving themselves so they can look like the Photoshopped model on the cover of Cosmopolitan, Sports Illustrated, Rolling Stone, or even Maxim.
The standard says, you're pretty with makeup on. No. You're beautiful with and without makeup on. The standard of "perfection" is not real. It's not realistic. I much prefer the word imperfection, and imperfect perfections, no matter how cliché it is. Be proud of your flaws.
The only way to fix this standards, and to eliminate these standards is to stop listening to them, and to stop adding to them.
Don't call Lady GaGa "fat" because she has a little extra skin on her stomach. Do not comment "you're ugly" on someone's photos. Comment a compliment. Tell them how beautiful they are. Who cares if you have a little acne? Who cares if you're a little pale? Who cares if you're short and stocky? Who cares if you need glasses to see? Who cares if you have a small butt? You shouldn't. You should love all you have, and all that you got.
You're beautiful, and your flaws make you who you are.
Stop the standards. Stop the hate. Love yourself and others. Spread the love to everyone around. Stop "perfection", and embrace IMPERFECTION.