Your Guide To The Iowa City Bar Life: A Top 10 List | The Odyssey Online
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Your Guide To The Iowa City Bar Life: A Top 10 List

Everything you need to know about the most popular bars in Iowa City.

Your Guide To The Iowa City Bar Life: A Top 10 List
Iowa Book

To all the incoming freshmen, out-of-town friends, transfer students and old alumni that don't know the current Iowa City bar scene, I have written an easy guide for you to follow when tackling your first night out in Iowa City. Here is a brief description of each bar you need to know about:

1. DC's

This is the bar you need to go to for any and all sporting events. DC's during a Blackhawks playoff game is what I expect Heaven to be like; beer showers, Chelsea Dagger, and excited Chicago fans. What could be better? This bar has an upstairs and downstairs with two bars which makes getting drinks a bit easier and creates more floor space (even though you will most likely be packed in like a sardine on any game day). This is a 21 and over bar.

2. Brother's

This isn't as popular a bar as it should be, and I think that is because cops tend to raid it often and they are strict with fake ID's, but this is a super under-rated bar in my opinion. Brother's has everything you want in a bar; a dance floor with a DJ, an outdoor seating area, a large bar to get drinks from, clean bathrooms, and cheap drink deals. Head over to Brother's on a Thursday nights for Mug Club--you just need to buy a mug for $5 and then every refill after that is $1 and you can bring your mug every Thursday after that. You can be in this bar at 18+ until 10 pm.

3. Union

One of the most popular bars on campus, but I really have no idea why. In my opinion, this bar is dirty, dark, loud, and constantly hot. Everyone knows it is a scummy bar but everyone still goes for the environment and the people. They have bands come which is a cool aspect of the bar and this is a fun bar to go to during Iowa football games, but make sure you get there early to get a wristband, or it could cost you $40 dollars to get in. You can be in this bar at 18+ until 10 pm.

4. Summit

Summit is definitely one of the most popular bars for underagers, as you can also be here at 18+ until 10 pm; but be careful because when it becomes 10:01 there are more cops than employees in the bar raiding it for people under the age of 21. Summit has day drinking tailgates/parties which are always fun, and Tuesday nights they have dollar-you-call-it's which is always a crowd pleaser. The upstairs "Jungal" is actually slightly terrifying, as there are strobe lights and grinding and little freshmen girls dancing provocatively on a stage, but hey if that's you're thing check it out. Overall, Summit is a bar that you will probably always have a good time at.

5. Airliner

I come here more for the pizza and less for the drink atmosphere. Airliner has some of the best pizza I have ever had and on Tuesdays it is half priced, what can be better than that? The negatives with 'liner is that it doesn't have much room to stand, you have to either find a booth or awkwardly stand next to a booth of people you don't know, and the bar is small and typically doesn't have enough bartenders which makes you stand at the crowded bar forever just to get a drink. However, they have giant Moscow Mules and always have deals on food and drinks which is a plus. I would say that Airliner is a good bar to take your parents to. This bar is 18+ until 10 pm.

6. Eden

I really like this bar, but people have differing opinions of it. It is styled like a Chicago nightclub, and has a super classy, modern feel. It has a DJ most nights, but the problem is that the only good place to dance is in the "VIP area" which you can only get into if you pay for the pricey bottle service. The bathrooms, though, are super clean and nice which I think is a huge plus. The drinks can be pricey, so prepare to spend a bit more for the nice environment. This bar is 21 and over.

7. Martini's

The beer garden definitely makes this bar. The back of Tini's has a large outdoor seating area that everyone loves and that is always enjoyable during nice weather. The inside is large and there are constantly waitresses walking around getting drink orders, so it is never an issue to get drinks. This bar doesn't get popular until later in the night, and is normally a little more of an older crowd. This is also a good place to take parents, especially because the drink prices can get expensive and there are usually not deals very often. This is a 21 and over bar.

8. Sports Column (Spo Co)

I had to put both names, because for the first few months of freshmen year, when people would talk about Spo Co, I didn't know that it was the same bar as Sports Column. This bar is huge and is popular during 21st birthdays, as it gives you 21 pitches for $21. It has two large rooms and plenty of seating but the floors are always sticky with beer. I think that people either love Spo Co or couldn't care less about it. This is an 18+ bar until 10 pm.

9. Fieldhouse

Again, some people love Fieldhouse and some people hate it. There is a dance floor which is fun, but the layout of the bar is weird to me. There is a tiny bar in the back and a large one on the opposite side, and there are different levels to the bar that are awkward and unnecessary. They have drink specials and also do 21 pitchers for $21 on your birthday, which is nice. This is a 21 and over bar.

10. Pints

The bar that everyone closes out at, and that you probably never go to before 1 am. I've gone before then and have seen the bar go from 10 people to 100 people within 20 minutes. Everyone stays because of the final song they play before they close, but recently they have been switching it up and playing different ballets as their final song. I have had seniors tell me that they have never closed at another bar besides Pints, and that is dedication right there. This is a 21+ bar.

I obviously could not list every bar in the downtown area because this article would be never ending, but these are some of the most popular bars and ones that I feel you need to go to at least once in your college career. Some runner-up bars would be Bardot, Mondo's, TCB, and Donnelly's. I hope this guide helps you better chose your bar for the night and please remember to enjoy responsibly.

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