Every year, we create these joy-filled lists that we hope everyone else will follow through on, called Christmas List, and a week later, we begin to create a second list ourselves labeled, "New Years Resolutions". We all somehow feel like we get a clean slate for absolutely no reason and we want to better ourselves and set goals as if our ambitions are renewed. I've seen too many gym memberships go to waste to let this problem go any further. We need to discuss our priorities here.
First off, are you really going to quit doughnuts? Like forever? Even on your cousin's friend's mom's great uncle's birthday where they happen to serve doughnuts from Dough? Right... That's what I thought. So let's make obtainable goals. Maybe limit your doughnut consumption to one a month! That's only 12 doughnuts the entire year... Not too shabby. When it comes to the gym, well, we could tell ourselves we'll go every other day of the week and all know we're lying, or we could go for walks with pets and those few friends who are willing to still talk to you AND go out into the freezing cold with you.
Second, let's make sure these goals are reasonable and clear. For example, "smile more". Well, sure you could smile lot's more the next year if you smile at your brother kneeing himself in the face at a track meet. While yes, that is smiling which can be a good thing, it certainly isn't nice. (Not to say I haven't smiled myself on this topic or falsely advertise the amount of morals I currently hold.) How about instead we smile more towards our coworkers or professors? Seems a tad more of a favorable gesture, I'd say.
When it comes to saving money, I know you'll splurge on those sunglasses and say it's because you had a rough week, but the next one will also be rough and you'll probably eat a doughnut and mess up your other goals. Instead, maybe we'll all make a conscious effort to block ourselves from Amazon Prime for two weeks every month! Okay fine, it would be more reasonable if we just online shopped and put everything we want in the cart and save for later. Then, wait two weeks and if you still really need that set of tiny hands, three very similar looking black sweaters, and an industrial sized bag of Reese's, then splurge little by little based off of your priorities.
We also have to remember that we may be clearing our own slates because of the new year, but the past is still very much alive. That time you offended your uncle by telling him he looks more like a guy from Duck Dynasty than that hot guy from Game of Thrones is still echoing in his head. Let's also not forget those countless drunk text messages you sent to your ex which also exist. We can make goals around this or small gestures to help those suffering after out hurtful words. Maybe a shaving kit for your uncle, and deleting your ex's number would be one way to start. They'll both be #Thankful I promise.
Okay, so I understand I have no control over your actual resolutions or promises that you probably wont actually follow through with, but I have some faith. Maybe you'll eat only 20 doughnuts or smile less when your siblings get injured, who knows? All I can say is good luck on making the perfect list only to actually complete it December 24-31st of 2017 and hope Santa thought you had some morals and 2018 will treat you better. Me? Well I personally enjoy setting extremely high standards only to constantly be panicking that I'm not being successful "enough", whatever that means. So, Happy New Year!
With a Decent Amount of Love and Hope for You All,