College is great, it affords us the ability to live as close as steps away from the people that make our lives infinitely better. But once the late nights at the library stop, the early morning coffee dates subside and the cap and gown go on, it’s unlikely that we’ve planned out the next two to five years of our lives in accordance with those same people. It’s just not how life works.
So, get your procrastination face on and buckle up because we have late night dance parties and mid-day fiestas planned.
One of my friends was filling out an application or a survey recently and one of the questions asked something along the lines of “what’s your favorite memory from college?” After thinking the question over and then running the answer by the friends in our group chat, she decided on putting, “my best memories in college all happened while I was procrastinating.” And it’s true.
Think about all the nights we’ve stayed up talking about boys and hard-hitting news all in the same conversations. The nights we were stressed to our limit and needed a dance party where we danced until we literally dropped. The mid-day online, retail therapy sessions where the only words we spoke were, “would this be cute?” Because these are the moments that I want to hold onto forever.
I love the days of big events and dressing up on Halloween. Homecoming is an unmatched event by any other school (or so I tell myself). Fest season is the wildest thing I’ve ever experienced. All things that we’ll too never forget but they aren’t our most favorite times.
The times we’ll think back on when we’re working our full-time jobs 500 miles apart are the nights we decided to have impromptu sleepovers, Zumba on Wednesday evenings, taking tacos to the bar on Tuesdays, our favorite table at the coffee shop we visited almost every single day and the unplanned moments we spent laughing on the floor about nothing at all.
So, cheers to the people we’ll never forget.
The friends that fall asleep on our couches. The people that make us laugh until we cry. The soon-to-be American Idolists who sing with us at the top of their lungs. The coffee enthusiast that encourage our caffeine additions. Our concert buddies that share our love of live music. The beer-lovers that always suggest a little happy hour. The reluctant gym partners that hold us to our workouts. The late-night board game players. And the people that fit into every one of those categories. You’ve been a part of the most enjoyment moments that we’ll remember forever.