I don't think I will need to define what a passion is since the idea seems pretty straightforward. However, why other people don't seem that interested in certain passions we have is not always obvious. Answering that underlying question with "I just don't find it interesting" doesn't really add much to the conversation.
Today I want to accomplish two things. First, if you are close to your family and closest friends, then I want to explain why you should care about taking an active interest in certain passions they have – provided these are morally acceptable – and how doing so or not doing so can affect your relationship with them. The last thing I want to do is suggest a few ways to do that.
Why does all of this matter? Everything I am about to say will affect your relationships with your family and closest friends for at least one reason: some of their passions are extremely wedded to their lives. Some people have passions that are so deeply connected to their lives that they have a difficult time imagining living life without them.
When you show an active interest in their particular passion, either by actively participating in it or some other means, you become connected to them in a special way through whatever they're deeply passionate about.
It is almost like journeying on a path that connects you directly to a person's soul by virtue of showing that level of interest. They start feeling like you are living life with them in some way through that particular passion they have.
I'll use myself and my sister Cheri as an example. Cheri loves swing dancing. I'm not that crazy about it myself, even though I initially introduced her to it. It was through swing dancing that Cheri has cultivated some of the deepest friendships she has to this day. It was also due to swing dancing that she has met her boyfriend, Kevin.
I had not really taken an interest in her swing dancing because I had not generally been interested in dancing period. It was not like I expressed my disapproval or lack of interest verbally to her.
The fact that she always brought it up on her own initiative without me asking was evidence enough that she was trying to connect me to her life through her swing dancing experiences, albeit without much success.
One evening a couple of months ago, when I was with her and my parents, I told Cheri that I made her feel that I did not care about her swing dancing because of my lack of engagement and apologized. That moment has brought a change in our relationship for good.
I have been staying actively interested in my sister's swing dancing competitions by finding out when she's participating and what she'll need to advance to the next level. It has created a new window for us to connect better.
On the other hand, I have not been proactive in showing interest in my other sister Nadyia's interest in wanting to do modeling potentially and/or get involved in the acting industry, and especially in the life of my precious nephew Sebastian.
I also have a good friend named Denzel, who's a professional life coach and who weekly uploads YouTube videos on his channel discussing various thought-provoking topics, including various personality types.
Here are a few suggestions that might be helpful for you. First, get a general familiarity with what he/she is passionate about by asking questions. I know next to nothing about swing dancing but have asked questions.
Second, always try to follow up. Being actively engaged in what they love requires that you try to keep track of what they're doing at different times to the best of your ability. I remember to pray for Cheri when she competes in competitions.
Lastly, keep in mind that it might mean the world to your friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, cousin, nephew, or niece to show an active interest in certain passions they have that are tightly connected to how they live life, even if it may not seem like a big deal to you.
~ 1 Corinthians 13