Every friend group has their quirks, lameness and their hilarious personality traits. The "Bob's Burgers" cast can accurately reflect every type of personality trait to make your squad one worth sticking with.
1. Bob
This friend tries to keep it all together, just like Bob, who tries to look out for his family no matter what happens, without loosing his quirkiness or personality. This friend has their priorities straight and would do anything to protect themselves or their friends and family
2. Linda
Every friend group has their mom, but this squad mom friend has some sass behind them. With some wine in their hand, they have the urge to be apologetically themselves. Having friends that they feel like they need to protect and love is exactly what goes into the Linda of the family.
3. Louise
This friend is ready to fight to the death, armed with sarcasm and the ability to form a plan at the drop of a hat. This friend is the one that always manages to get out of mischief as easily as they get into it.
4. Gene
You never know what quite goes on in their head on a regular basis. They are 100 percent loud and proud of who they are. They're loyal and will stick by your side no matter what gross, weird or strange adventures you might encounter together.
5. Tina
This charm bomb is about to explode. Boy, zombie and horse crazy Tina is going through the process of discovering who she is. She tries her best to succeed at everything (to what degree she does varies). This friend is just awkwardly making their way through life, and it's so entertaining to watch them do it.
6. Ollie and Andy
These two (usually siblings) are inseparable in their friend group. They think, act and dress the same and are usually always on the same wavelength. The amount of weirdness can vary, but in the end you know these two are going to be the ones when they're 90 sitting on a porch in the nursing home together.
7. Teddy
Teddy is that friend that just kind of shows up. They're lovable yet clueless, and you don't really know what they do when they aren't with you. They have the best stories and will always be there for you.
8. Jimmy Jr.
Jimmy just wants to dance. This friend wants to break the confines of where they were raised and just be themselves. Best friends with Zeke, but just like Tina; is discovering who they are.
9. Gayle
The honorary cat lady. You don't really know how you became friends, and they're as quirky as they come, but you can't help but keep them around.
10. Zeke
The mans-man. This friend doesn't really know boundaries. Best friends with Jimmy Jr. and they balance each other out. The Zeke friend isn't afraid to speak their mind, and will always have their friend's back when it means most.