Your first year of college comes with a lot of emotions and new experiences. From the mysterious food in the dining halls to bonding with friends, the freshman year is one of the toughest years of college. The American classic that is "Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby" can perfectly describe the ups and downs of maneuvering that first year.
1. When you and your roommate can finally get weird with each other
You're going to be spending some SERIOUS time together over the next 10 months. Time to get comfortable.
2. Realizing time is key when it comes to getting a good seat in class
If you don't believe me, try showing up to your 100 person geology lecture with three minutes to spare.
3. Bragging to your classmates when you pass the test everyone else failed
You're not sure how you did that either, but you're rolling with it.
4. That first drunken make out that none of your friends will ever let you live down
It was embarrassing and a little hazy. Never fear, your pals definitely snapped the whole thing.
5. The moment when you've had one too many cups of coffee during your all-nighter
Your body is tingling and you're sleep deprived, but damn it if you didn't finish that paper.
6. That one freshman who thinks he's The Hulk after two drinks
This should be fun to watch, stick around and enjoy the show.
7. And finally, doing whatever it takes to meet the word count on your final
You've had 25 words left for three hours. JUST END IT ALREADY.
"Talladega Nights" is one the most iconic movies of our time, and completely applicable in any situation.