After we graduate high school, many of us start to move on to the next phase of our lives which may or may not include college.
First off, it is your first day in your life that you are alone and on your own. This means that your mom and dad or who ever you lived with are no longer around, unless you commute back and forth to college. You do not have your mom's laundry service anymore, nor her good ole cooking. You do not have your parents and or guardians reminding you to do your homework.
When you arrive on campus, you are met with this feeling that this is finally it, you can finally get away from your parents and find out who you really are. It's is a time where you meet new friends and really start to branch yourself out and explore new things, like for example you can join the archery team, or if you are into sports you can join one of the sports that the college has, or if you're into writing (and your college has it) you can join the Odyssey team. Another activity you could do while on campus is go ghost hunting, just for the heck of it. Next, once you have been on campus for a few weeks you might find yourself in squad or a group as you may call it. You can also go to the local gas station like Sheetz, Rutters or what ever gas station you have near your college.
When your first week of classes begins you are going to get a class syllabus, which is kinda like the cheat sheet for the class. The syllabus includes test dates, quiz dates, and other important information. The syllabus also includes what all you need for the class, like what kind of materials or books. Next it includes the office hours of the professors, I highly recommend you take advantage of those hours (especially if you are having trouble in the class). Another thing the syllabus includes is contact information for the professor such as his or her email address and his or her telephone number for his or her room.
If you need help with anything on campus I suggest you visit your colleges support center the college has one. The support center has tutors that you can schedule with once or twice a week, so that they can help you with your work. The college may or may not have a writing center but if it does USE It. The writing center has people that help you with your paper. They go over it and tell you what you can do to help make your paper better. If you have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD for short), the support center can meet with and discuss possible eligibility you may have in class like selective seating, the ability to record lectures, and other things you may be eligible for.
Your first year of college will be a major learning curve for you, so don't get discourage if you aren't doing well, you will have time to make it up and get that degree.