Going into college, everyone is excited and can't wait to get there and settled. Oftentimes, you’re going away from your hometown and family, and basically starting completely over.
Before you know it, its move-in day, and you’re chatting up your roomie about how totally cute your matching bed spreads look. At this point, you’re so annoyed with how many photos your mom has taken of the move-in process thus far, frustrated with how many people your dad has stopped to tell embarrassing stories about the stuffed animal you just had to bring, and about to scream at your brother who just won’t stop complaining about anything and everything. Needless to say, the process has been anything but calm and easy so far.
While your mom makes your bed, and your dad hangs the canvases your friends painted you for grad presents, your younger brother complains about how he’s hungry and reminds everyone, for the 100th time, how much he hates pink. You finally decide to help out the rest of your family and soon, it looks perfectly complete. Your dorm room is the coolest for sure, and you can’t wait to show your friends.
After it’s all said and done, your family members are reminding you that they have to get back on the road to go home, so you exchange hugs and obviously, your mom is trying not to bawl. She can’t help but give you 15 hugs before she finally walks out the door, your dad can’t help but remind you that you are here for school and not partying, and your younger brother gives you a quick side hug and is quickly on his way.
You shut the door behind them, exhausted, and it hits you. You’re in college. Actual college. You are on your own now: no one to cook dinner for you, or do your laundry, or help you with a lab report. You start to well up with tears, but then you pull yourself together. Why? Because you know you can do this.
In short, be thankful for the mini photo shoots your mom had throughout the day. You’ll look at those pictures next year and laugh because you’ve got moving in down to a science now. Let your dad tell 23 people about your stuffed tiger that was obviously a necessity. You aren’t the only one who brought their childhood toy. As for your brother, well, he will grow out of complaining that much. Just bear with him. All in all, your first college move-in process is a day of mixed emotions, but ultimately, it’s a day you won't forget.